Saturday, February 25, 2012

Feb 25: Party Pooped

Night on the Town

Night on the Town by bunni711 featuring peep toe heels

Jamie's nephew's birthday party was today.  I didn't do a whole lot before the party but read and make sure my two web sites were finished.  The party was alright but a little boring.  I had way too many cookies, plus a very small piece of cake, and a little ice cream.  Jamie didn't eat dinner because he said he wasn't hungry, but he also wasn't feeling well.  I think he ate nothing but rolls for dinner tonight.  He seems to be feeling better now, though.

After the party, I finished my book.  It was pretty good.  There's not much to say about it besides it's a shame that abuse like that happens and people on the sidelines do nothing about it.  I  gave it three stars, and I actually finished it in 2 days since it was less than 200 pages long.  My sister listed it as one of her favorite books on goodreads.

I'm hoping to start reading 1Q84 after I finish writing this post.  I'm nervous about starting it because I'm not sure if I'll like it.  The book is over 900 pages long, so I hope I love it.  Otherwise, it's going to be a veeeery long read.

James and I watched Runaway Jury, which was pretty good.  I probably won't read the book since I disliked The Pelican Brief so much.  Other than that, I spent my night playing Picma on Kongregate while I waited for my massive video file for the yacht club site to upload onto the class assignment submission page.  It's humongous.  The zipped folder before the video was about 90KB and after I added it - well it's over 100,000KB.  I'm not even kidding; it's ridiculous.  I turned both sites in, though, and posted on the discussion boards.  All I have to do is the very last of my networking homework.

Ugh.  I'm so tired after the excitement of the day.  I guess the party really wore me out for some reason.  After it was over, I was nodding off just sitting on the couch.  I've been a little grumpy since then - sorry James!  He is laying down again tonight.  It's almost midnight, but it's still a little out of the ordinary.  I hope he starts feeling better soon.

Well, I'm off to go start that mammoth book!  Wish me luck...


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