So, my plan here is to try and make a post for every day of the year. I would ideally like to post every day, but I will have to do it at least once a week, more likely a few times a week, especially after the semester starts and I get busy. I did not come up with this idea, however; I owe it to my good friend Amber, who has a blog called Photo a Day 2012. I think it will be good for me to do it with her, though, so she can stay accountable. Plus, I really need to be writing more. I'm working on a book right now, so I really need to be practicing every day (like all good writers should), but of course I'm lazy about it. Maybe not so much lazy as flaky with my hobbies. I'm a swinger when it comes to hobbies.
There have been a few changes since I last posted on this blog, namely that I started my associates degree. I've already finished the first semester and numero dos actually starts tomorrow. The degree is in computer technology and my concentration is Internet/multimedia which pretty much means web design! I already posted a few months ago (yikes!) about my reasons for starting the degree, so I won't go into it again.
Let's see about what's happened so far this year. New Years: Jamie (that would be my boyfriend of 6 years) stayed over at my house because we have better food for New Years (i.e. there was sauerkraut at his house : P) Now don't be offended if you like the stuff; I've actually never tried it but I can tell you, it smells pretty gross. We had a hard time sleeping at my house because it was hot and my dachshund Teddy insisted on taking up the entire bottom half of the bed. I normally stay over at his house (about half my time is spent there) and we have no trouble sleeping (usually). Anyway, he won't want to stay the night again any time soon, I can guarantee it.
Jan 1-4 (Sun-Wed): I stayed at home for a few days and mostly hung out with Teddy and watched tv and played the Sims 3. I started a new game which is like The Bachelor. I got the idea off of one of those forum thingies (I'm not much into those but James uses them all the time). Pretty much I made a dude Sim and a bunch of lady Sims (6 of 'em) and put them all in the same house. I set all their relationships with him to zero and then tried to get them into socializing situations like the hot tub and dinner, going to the movies and touring the movie studio, etc. Whoever has the highest relationship with him after the "group dates" gets a one-on-one. Well, I haven't gotten to the first one-on-one yet, but I'll let you know how it goes.
I worked some more on trying to knit (I started to learn on Christmas because I asked for needles), but I'm having a lot of trouble with it. Whenever I drop stitches, I have a lot of trouble picking them back up - it's a lot easier with crochet! I think I'll get better, but I don't think I'll knit as much as I crochet.
Jan 4-Jan 7 (Wed-Sat): Jamie picked me up and we spent a few hours at my house, but he wasn't feeling well so we went back to his house earlier than usual. I like to stay for dinner at my house, which is usually kinda late, because my mom works until 8:30. I finished this book:
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
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And I started this book:
View all my reviews
Which I am liking so far. I've been reading a lot of Jane Austen books lately and have a newfound respect for them. For example, the first time I read Pride & Prejudice, I rated it 2/5 stars ("it was ok" on Goodreads). I had just seen the 2005 version of the movie, which I absolutely loved and which is still my favorite movie. Anyway, there were several scenes from the movie that I really liked which were not in the book at all, so I was quite disappointed in the book overall. When I read it again, though, I hadn't seen the movie in a while and I could enjoy the story for what it was. I ended up rating it 5/5 stars this time around:
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
Oh, in related news (but I really am getting off topic by now; please bear with me), I reached my reading goal for last year of 31 books (one of the books I read was actually a novella, so I added one for good measure).
Back to the subject! I really haven't been doing much of anything this week. I start classes tomorrow, so I've been trying to just relax and enjoy my vacation. I've been oversleeping a lot, which pretty much blows the rest of the day, so now I'm trying to wake up earlier so I can actually function. I started watching The Bachelor - it was pretty interesting to say the least. I'd like to see where the whole "lady lovers" thing goes. I may actually have to start thinking these shows are scripted. I've also been watching James play the God of War games (all 3), which are really cool and very good-looking in my opinion. I can overlook the (often minor) discrepancies from the myths (I took a class 2 semesters ago on Greek mythology). He's also been playing the Uncharted games, though not nearly as much. He just got a PS3; he's an XBOX guy.
Other than that, we went up to Mentor yesterday, which was a change. I usually sit at home and am happy about it, but it's nice to go out once in a while. We went up to Sears so his mom could buy some new work shoes. They had soo many clothes I wanted to buy and some very cute boots. *sigh* If only I had some money! Then we went to the Home Town Buffet, which I haven't been to in a while. It was pretty good, but Jamie's nephew gets antsy when he has to go on long car rides and sit still at restaurants.
Alright, well I will post later about today because this post is already really long. If you made it this far, congratulations. You get a prize! Not really, but if you did actually read the whole thing, please comment and let me know and I will honor you as a very diligent blog reader.