And, we're off! I guess I'll talk about the book and other things I'm up to first. So, I started this book last summer and got pretty far (at least for me) until the steam started running out. Once I started the fall semester, though, my progress came to a standstill and I probably wrote less than a few pages the entire school year. Now, I've started working again, but I'm kind of doing it randomly, just picking out separate scenes and working on them independently. I actually think this is easier because I was having a lot of trouble with the section I had gotten to in the book and hopefully I can write out the major scenes and connect them together at the end.
Now, when I started the book, I was writing in 3rd person, but I think I've decided to write in 1st person now because it was sounding impersonal. I've never written a novel before, so I'm really trying to get into this character and make her unique. I don't want her to be generic, and I want her to have her own failings, weaknesses, disturbing past, etc., just like any real person. The other problem I'm having right now is that I want the book to mean something. I want it to make people think or give them insight or affect them in a real way. I don't want it to just turn out to be some generic novel with flat characters and no real, deep meaning behind it. I don't want it to be like one of those best seller's factory line novels. (You know how some authors do it when they're really successful - pumping out books every few months like there's no tomorrow). So it has to be special and it has to mean something. I might even cross over into gritty. I just want it to be real and not apologize for it. I think I should try to explore this idea of lies and deception. Maybe I should do a study on pathological liars and people who successfully hoodwink people into trusting them.
Alright, that was a lot about the book. Well, other than that, I finished up a little ipod pouch for my boyfriend and I'm working on a ribbed hat for him, too. I'm not sure if I mentioned this on here, but I've recently been crocheting quite a bit and I've already made a scarf and an ipod pouch for myself. After I'm done with my current projects, I'd like to make myself a make-up bag, as well. I'll try to post pics of my projects when I can.
Other than that, I'm planning on starting a peacock painting. I've done some sketches, but still need to make some tweaks before starting out. I like to paint more cartoon-y or at least less realistically. I'm guessing if I gave it enough time I would do fine with more realistic paintings, but I think it would detract from the fun of it. I find is surprisingly relaxing. Ahhh...
So, the weight loss thing. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do yet. I think I'll outline my goals and my plans and then write out my progress each day (or every few days) - like, what I'm eating and what exercising I've done. However, this post is a little long already, so I think I'll start this out another day.
<3 Christen