Friday, February 24, 2012

Feb 24: Dog Tired

Disney Princesses: Cinderella

Disney Princesses: Cinderella by bunni711

I got a good chunk of work done today.  I started working some more on my JavaScript homework and realized I wasn't going to be able to figure out the first project.  I started on the second one late last night, making up some cute menu options, but realized today as I was working on them that I needed to make the menus in code instead of using an image.  I was getting pretty frustrated because I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to figure it all out before it was due.

Once I started working on project two, though, things were going pretty well.  I actually finished everything today and I'm really proud of how it turned out.  I used pull-down menus with really cute colors and set the links with pull-down lists apart from the others with >>arrows<< around them.  It looks really cute.  Then I found a really cute recipe card to write out the recipe of the week on (it's a cooking site).  I think it really makes the site, actually.  I added the other sections and used a some clipart of a knife and fork for the bullets.  After I finished everything up, I decided I had to do something about the logo we were supposed to use for the page.  It was horrendous.  I ended up making something really cute.  Just now as I was writing about the page, I realized I had forgotten to include the picture that went with the recipe, so I added it in real quick (well, I had to do some fiddling, but it didn't take long).

I also finished up the yacht club tour page.  I had the video done, but made a few little tweaks to it today.  Then I added a heading, some text about what was in the video (for people who can't watch it), and links on the bottom in case the link image doesn't show up.  I think it looks really good, too.  This is one of those days where I feel like I chose the right field for myself.  It's a relief.

I also started reading A Child Called "It" and it's interesting.  I'm hoping to start 1Q84 soon - I'm pretty excited about it.  I think that if I can't finish Catch-22 before it's due, I'll just have to get it out again some other time, because I have no idea if someone else will put a hold on 1Q84.  Now that I've finished The Help, I want to watch the movie even more.  Hopefully soon!

Jamie got some work done earlier while I read.  He hasn't been feeling very well since he started taking the new medicine.  He's been really tired all the time.  Plus, last night he got up in the middle of the night because he got sick.  It's one of the possible side effects of the new medicine, so he called the doctor today about it.  She said to keep taking it and go to the ER if it happens again.  I feel worried about him, though because he's just so tired and he's getting really cold now.  He's even lying down now and it's only 11:30pm.  He never naps.  Never.  He isn't snoring right now so I keep looking over to make sure he's still breathing.  I always get a little paranoid like that when I love someone.  I mean, I do it all the time with Teddy (especially since he likes to sleep completely under the covers).  I just love that man too damn much for anything to happen to him.

I don't have a lot of homework left - just some discussion posts due Sunday, and a couple of quizzes and a short paper due Wednesday.  Tomorrow is Jamie's nephew's birthday party - at 4pm.  I'm not really looking forward to it, but I'm not really one for gatherings.  I like sitting at home with James and just watching tv and movies, reading, spending time online - stuff like that.  The good thing is that I don't have to worry about homework since most of it is already done.

I do have to get going on that proposal, though.  I read more about it in the textbook and now I am thinking I'll do a recommendation for a company to get a full-time counselor to help their employees.  I know a lot about psychology already, so I think it's a good fit for my   topic.  I'm going to get an outline written out soon (probably tomorrow) and then I can start on my research.  We have to include graphics, too, but I'm not sure how many.  The examples in the book all have two, so I think that's probably what she's looking for.  It's nice not to have anything due for that class for a few weeks, but I know I need to get working on that paper soon so it turns out well.  She said she wants it to look like we spent 5 weeks on it.  I don't know, I think I'm just going to be so relieved when I'm through with this class.

One scary thing is that we start two more classes next Thursday!  I keep forgetting to start looking around to buy my access code for one of the classes.  I need to get on that!  It seems like there is always something to think about / worry about, but things are alright.  I'm happy to be back here with James and I just want to spend time with him and try to enjoy myself (while still getting all that work done!)

We had Subway for dinner - I had a chicken marinara melt and it was delicious.  You know, I just realized that James did not play any video games today.  That is beyond weird.  And it just makes me a little more worried.  I hope he either gets taken off of this new medicine or his body starts getting used to it soon so that it doesn't bother him anymore or make him so dang tired all the time.  I hate to see him not feeling well... Well, that's about it - have a good night!


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