Purple Converse Outfit by bunni711 featuring beaded jewelry
Feb 12: I had so much work to get done today. I decided to do the other JavaScript project since I was having so much trouble with the first one. It ended up being a really good decision. I had a much better time working with the other project and got it done in pretty good time. It went pretty smoothly, too. It was a slow going day because I've been really tired and more than a little burned out from this week.
James and I watched the Grammys and I worked on the two quizzes for networking. It was a little difficult to concentrate. The Grammys were pretty interesting. There were a lot of weird acts, though - like Nicki Minaj. I don't even know what was up with that. Bon Iver won best new artist, though! I'm so excited because he's one of my absolute favs!!
I ended up starting my networking paper pretty late, but did get it in on time. I was cutting it a bit close, though. This class has a lot of work but none of it is very difficult. I really hope the new classes that start next month won't have huge workloads because I'm feeling pretty overworked. Thankfully, we don't have another paper due for tech writing until the middle of next month. I need to start on it anyway, though, because it's a bigger project. It's also worth something like 29% of our grade.
James is (hopefully) working on getting caught up this week while I'm at home. He wasn't able to get last week's work done because of everything that was going on. He was feeling pretty terrible for a while there, but I think the new medicine he got is starting to help some. He should be able to get some of that work done now.
I'm so relieved that this week is over. I still feel stressed even though I don't have a lot going on next week. I think it's that feeling that there is always something coming up that I should be working on.
James bought some cool Converse online:
And I'm still lusting after these:
Feb 13: James and I headed back to my house after two weeks at his house. I'm really glad he is feeling better and I have been missing my Teddy bear. It's nice to have some time to myself, as well. Even so, I always miss James like crazy!
I've been exhausted all day. I did get my laundry done, though, and James and I stopped by the library to pick up a book I had on hold:
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
I'm really excited to read it now, but I still have some more of Water for Elephants to get through. I just haven't had much time to read lately. Now I'm 2 books behind on my reading schedule, but I won't give up hope yet. I'm going to try to finish this book while I'm at home.
After the library, we got some polar pops (which we haven't had in forever!). Teddy was so glad to see us and I missed him so much! We just watched tv and hung out with him. I also made a bunch of outfits today on Polyvore (including the one at the top of this post).
James and I were talking about what to do for Valentine's Day and we might go up to Applebee's and the mall. I don't really have any money to get him anything, but I do plan on making him a Valentine. That's about all I can do. I wish I had some money! It will be fun to walk around the mall again, maybe look at some books and try on some shoes, like these:
Feb 12: I had so much work to get done today. I decided to do the other JavaScript project since I was having so much trouble with the first one. It ended up being a really good decision. I had a much better time working with the other project and got it done in pretty good time. It went pretty smoothly, too. It was a slow going day because I've been really tired and more than a little burned out from this week.
James and I watched the Grammys and I worked on the two quizzes for networking. It was a little difficult to concentrate. The Grammys were pretty interesting. There were a lot of weird acts, though - like Nicki Minaj. I don't even know what was up with that. Bon Iver won best new artist, though! I'm so excited because he's one of my absolute favs!!
I ended up starting my networking paper pretty late, but did get it in on time. I was cutting it a bit close, though. This class has a lot of work but none of it is very difficult. I really hope the new classes that start next month won't have huge workloads because I'm feeling pretty overworked. Thankfully, we don't have another paper due for tech writing until the middle of next month. I need to start on it anyway, though, because it's a bigger project. It's also worth something like 29% of our grade.
James is (hopefully) working on getting caught up this week while I'm at home. He wasn't able to get last week's work done because of everything that was going on. He was feeling pretty terrible for a while there, but I think the new medicine he got is starting to help some. He should be able to get some of that work done now.
I'm so relieved that this week is over. I still feel stressed even though I don't have a lot going on next week. I think it's that feeling that there is always something coming up that I should be working on.
James bought some cool Converse online:
And I'm still lusting after these:
Feb 13: James and I headed back to my house after two weeks at his house. I'm really glad he is feeling better and I have been missing my Teddy bear. It's nice to have some time to myself, as well. Even so, I always miss James like crazy!
I've been exhausted all day. I did get my laundry done, though, and James and I stopped by the library to pick up a book I had on hold:
I'm really excited to read it now, but I still have some more of Water for Elephants to get through. I just haven't had much time to read lately. Now I'm 2 books behind on my reading schedule, but I won't give up hope yet. I'm going to try to finish this book while I'm at home.
After the library, we got some polar pops (which we haven't had in forever!). Teddy was so glad to see us and I missed him so much! We just watched tv and hung out with him. I also made a bunch of outfits today on Polyvore (including the one at the top of this post).
James and I were talking about what to do for Valentine's Day and we might go up to Applebee's and the mall. I don't really have any money to get him anything, but I do plan on making him a Valentine. That's about all I can do. I wish I had some money! It will be fun to walk around the mall again, maybe look at some books and try on some shoes, like these:
If I had any extra cash, I would love to get those or the black and red ones. But anyway, I'm just excited to go out for Valentine's Day with my honey!
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