This is what I spent a good portion of the day making! It's the second day in a row where I got on Polyvore and went nuts for a couple (a few?) hours. It was a lot of fun though and I'm very happy with my little tree up there. It's also given me a few more ideas for other art to make. You shall have to wait and see...
So, in other news, last night I finished Persuasion and started this book:
I am really very on the fence about it. It has come off overly sexual so far, which is very strange. I'll read some more before I decide if I will finish it or not. I hate not finishing books - I try to avoid it (sometimes at all costs; I mean, c'mon, I muddled through Moby Dick for crying out loud!).
I had to call the cell company AGAIN today because I realized that I no longer have the minutes I had before this whole debacle started! I have the new ones, but now the old ones are gone. I was told that they will call me in 24-48 hours. Hopefully it will be fixed finally!
I headed back home today and found out that Teddy got hurt again on Sunday. : ( My poor baby! This is the third or fourth time that he has hurt his back/legs from jumping on and off the furniture. He's on pain meds and muscle relaxers, but he is trembling sometimes and not able to step over very short things (I mean, even shorter than usual, seeing as he is a dachshund). He is also making a terrible little whiny noise that breaks my heart. We have to watch him so that he doesn't jump on/off the furniture and we're going to train him to use stairs now. I feel so bad for ever letting him jump up and down in the first place. : ( He is doing alright, though, and I don't think he is suffering. We're all taking really good care of him.
In happier news, Jamie's surprise came today! I ordered him a late Christmas present back in December, and snuck around a little in order to keep it a secret from him. The reason it was so late was that the seller on ebay was away until a few days ago, so it actually got here in good time.
I had arranged a little scavenger hunt for him that would give him clues to what the present was, but he wasn't feeling well today and, to be honest, I kind of chickened out about it. It started seeming really silly once I knew the package was coming today. Well, he read through it afterward and the clues weren't written that well, but he enjoyed going through them at least!
But yes, what is this mystery Christmas present? James is a big fan of hockey, and especially the Penguins. He was also in need of a new wallet. So, this is what I got him!
He had no idea I got him anything, so it was a really fun surprise. I think I did a good job. I had felt so bad because I had no money to get him anything for Christmas, but I got some Christmas money and was able to get him something I think he really likes. Good day.
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